– Summer 2018 Update
Posted: 8/12/2018
Yard Gouge: We get some great gouge at the last Council of Class Presidents meeting, so I took lots of notes! Topics include the recent drug busts, the 7th Fleet collisions and training, and some interesting stats about how admissions have changed. Check it out in “Yard Gouge:”
Football Season and ’89 Tailgaters! Regardless of whether you have tickets or you just want to hang out with classmates for a few hours, we’re looking forward to seeing you this fall! Keep an eye on www.usna89.com, our Facebook group, or our listserver for gouge on our home game festivities! Let me know if you want to volunteer!
Alumni Mentoring Program: Remember to sign up if you haven’t done so, yet! Be a mentor to a fellow alum, or even consider being a protégé! Learn more and sign up here
Virtual Memorial Hall. We’re looking to “fill in the history” of our fallen classmates. Go to the Virtual Memorial Hall and just follow the instructions (register at the site or e-mail Patrick McConnell ’02) to submit some of your memories and help us remember our lost friends.
Shared Interest Groups: The Alumni Association has accepted three shared interest groups (USNA Women, Run to Honor, and the USNA Minority Association) as enduring Alumni Association Programs. Navigate here to learn more.
Share your Sea Stories! This is a cool feature that the Alumni Association put in place to help us document and share our stories from our USNA and Fleet experience. 1989 is currently empty (although I just submitted one), so let’s tilt the scales in our favor! Let me know when you publish something and I’ll help get the word out! Click here to publish yours!
Distinguished Graduate Award Nominations. In the past, I’ve taken a soft approach to the Distinguished Graduate Award process, but now that we are getting a little long in the tooth, I think it’s time that we began formalizing our process of considering and putting forward nominations. At this point, I’d like to put out a call for a volunteer who would be willing to spearhead our nomination process. E-mail or call me if your interested! Click here to learn more about the DGA.
Class/Alumni Watch Project. Thanks for taking our Class / Alumni Watch survey a few weeks ago! We’ve got an updated survey based on those results – please click this link to learn more and take the new survey. It’s much shorter than the last one (just a couple of minutes) and it closes 8/24.
30th Reunion: click here to read the latest update
Class Gift: click here to read the latest update
Homecoming Golf (2018). Anyone interested in playing golf with classmates at Homecoming this year? Learn more here and let Craig Washington know if you’re interested in putting together / joining an 89 foursome.
« – Yard Gouge (Summer 2018)