– Bremont Class Watch Project
Posted: 5/29/2018
From Kelly Brown – ’89 Bremont Class Watch project lead.
Hey Classmates! There are a few decisions we need to make for our Class/USNA Watch project so that we can finalize the overall design.
Given the price point (USAFA has commissioned a similar watch through Bremont with two base options: the U-2 GMT at around $3000 and the Solo-37 at around $2175), I understand that although many of you won’t purchase a watch, I would like input from as many as classmates as possible.
Some options are confusing, so please reach out to me if you need anything cleared up. The survey closes 6/15/18.
Click here to take the survey.
– We are investigating two watch designs – an ’89 Class Crest Watch and a USNA Graduate Watch. If we are able to get at least 15 orders for at least one model of the ’89 Class Crest Watch (MBII, MBIII, or Solo–37), we will be designing both types. If we are not able to get at least 15 orders for the ’89 Class Crest Watch, we will only be designing the USNA Graduate Watch.
– Either watch will only be available to USNA graduates through a special ordering process
– Watch options (different “decals/logos”, GMT Function, Watch Face detail, Rotor engraving, Barrel color) are dependent upon the number of watch orders.
– If we get at least 15 orders, the “basic” watch project is started. It will include either a flat white face (see image) or 3-D N* background (see image), 8 character engraving on Rotor/Back of watch, and either a Gold or Navy barrel (see image).

’89 Watch with 3D Background

‘89 Watch with Flat White Background

Gold Barrel
– If we get at least 50 orders, we get all the above options, PLUS a GMT function, additional rotor color (Blue, Gold, Red), and engraving beyond the 8 characters (e.g. two swords and “USNA”). The smaller watch option, the Solo-37, also requires at least 50 orders to launch.
– Since the USNA Graduate Watch is an “Alumni Project,” and athletics generate the most interest for Naval Academy-associated fundraising, the USNA crest and N* will be part of the face design.
– Bremont would love nothing more than to design just one watch as a “USNA Graduate Watch,” but I have worked with Bremont to get our Class Crest as an option for us. In my opinion, if something has our class crest on it, it means more, and I thought this would be a great idea since our 30th is quickly approaching.
Click here to take the survey (Closes 6/15/18)
Again, please complete survey based on your intentions to buy. If you intend to purchase an ’89 Class Crest Watch, please answer all survey questions. If you do not intend to purchase an ‘89 Class Crest watch, the survey will take you right to the USNA Crest questions.
Thank you for your time and constructive inputs. I am looking forward to the results. Because this is such a special project, after I compile the results of this survey we’ll likely take another survey to come up with a product on which we all agree.
Please take your time with the survey. Everyone has a say in this, and I hope you are as excited about this project as I am.
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