Click here to access the 35th Reunion Pics!
After surveying the Class, the Board decided to commission Class of ’89- branded heirlooms made from the Chapel Dome. Click here to get a sense for the type of heirlooms we can get.
For two of the items we can customize (the Challenge Coin and the Holiday Ornament), we need to get a sense for what “back” options the class likes best. Click here to take the survey.
Hurry! The survey closes Monday, June 21st at noon EDT
Posted by Ingar Grev on on 6/13/21. Updated 6/16/21.
Class of ’89 Glee Club Alumni! You are invited to sing at the Class Memorial Service in Memorial Hall on Friday, 10/25 at 10:00 AM. We will be presenting “Amazing Grace” at the beginning of the service, and “Eternal Father” at the conclusion.
There is an ’89 Glee Club Reunion – hosted by Shawn James – planned for 6PM on Thursday, 10/24. Chuck Messenger has been coordinating the music. In addition to singing some of our old standards “just for fun” at this event, we will be rehearsing “Amazing Grace” and “Eternal Father” for the Memorial Service. More information on the Glee Club Reunion gathering is posted on Facebook
You do NOT need to attend the Glee Club Reunion in order to sing at the Memorial Service.
All singers, please meet in the Rotunda at 0900 on Friday 10/25 to go through the music. That is a little on the early side, but we want to ensure we have ample time to determine how we are standing and to go through both hymns.
Here are links to the hymns:
Please contact Lisa Skaggs Thomas (click to open up your email client) if you have any questions!
If you are not going to the Reunion Gathering, would you please RSVP to Lisa so we have an approximate head count?
Thank you so much, and hopefully we’ll see you at the Glee Club Reunion AND at the Memorial Service!”
Posted on behalf of Lisa Skaggs Thomas by Ingar Grev on October 20, 2019. Updated by Ingar Grev on October 22, 2019.
Posted on behalf of CAPT Edwin Henderson ’89
Final gouge on Retirementpalooza:
- ALL classmates are welcome to attend – no invitation necessary!
- 1400, 31 May 2019, Mahan Hall. A cake and punch reception will follow in Dahlgren on the Class of ’53 deck;
- Walking/carpooling encouraged since parking is tight and not guaranteed. A shuttle will run from the Stadium Blue side to the Alumni Hall driveway beginning at 1300 and running continuously until 1345
- 1445 (or ceremony end) until 1545, the shuttle will run continuously from Alumni Hall driveway to Dahlgren (seaward side)
- 1600-1645: continuous shuttle service from Dahlgren (seaward side) to Alumni Hall (if required) and the stadium. Last shuttle leaves at 1730
- For guests in uniform, uniform of the day (you might find whites to be most appropriate).
Contact Edwin Henderson if you have any other questions!
Posted by Ingar Grev on May 22, 2019
The retirement palooza is in need of JO/Midn sideboys and/or participants for Old Glory. There may be some JOs coming from the USNA staff but we would love for as many participants as possible to have some connection to the class. They need not be USNA mids or JOs. ROTC is fine if they are 89 offspring; that’s connection enough.
We realize summer training will have begun so availability will likely be limited, but if your JO or Mid is interested and available, please contact me ( ASAP. Crunch time is fast approaching.
Thx all. Fast approaching the 30 day chow call!
Posted by Ingar Grev on April 24, 2019
We just picked up on this news about a year late:
Mark Takai, Hawaii Democrat serving first term in Congress, dies at 49
By Emily Langer
July 20, 2016
The Washington Post
U.S. Rep. Mark Takai, a Hawaii Democrat who was a longtime member of his state’s legislature and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and who was serving his first term in the House of Representatives, died July 20 at his home in Honolulu. He was 49.
The cause was pancreatic cancer, said his chief of staff, Rod Tanonaka. Rep. Takai’s illness was diagnosed in October, and he announced in May, after learning the cancer had spread, that he would not seek reelection in 2016.
Rep. Takai served in the Hawaii state house for 20 years before his election in 2014 to Congress, where he represented a district that included Honolulu and the surrounding area. The seat had been vacated by Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, who that year unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.
Rep. Takai won with 52 percent of the vote to the 48 percent garnered by Republican Charles Djou, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who served briefly in Congress after a special election in 2010. During the campaign, the candidates debated the role of the United States in the conflicts in Syria and elsewhere.
“The war in the Middle East from my perspective is really not our war,” said Rep. Takai, who served in the Hawaii Army National Guard and was deployed as a medical officer in the region in 2009. “This is centuries in the making; these conflicts began when time began.”
In the House, Rep. Takai served on the Armed Services and Small Business committees. Among his legislative efforts, according to the Almanac of American Politics, was a bill to help Filipino veterans of World War II reunite with their families.
Kyle Mark Takai was born in Honolulu on July 1, 1967. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1990 and a master of public health degree three years later, both from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he was a champion swimmer.
Rep. Takai ran an insurance brokerage and consultancy. He was elected in 1994 to the state house, where he rose to vice speaker, and had been a member of the Hawaii Army National Guard since 1999.
Survivors include his wife, the former Sami Kai of Honolulu; two children, Matthew Takai and Kaila Takai, also of Honolulu; his parents, Erik Takai and Naomi Takai, both of Waipahu, Hawaii; a brother; and two sisters.

CDX Trophy
Hope all are having a good Spring.
As you all know, our class project (where our fundraising is going well) in part funds the Cyber competitions for the mids to allow them gain a broader experience to Cyber outside the walls of the Yard
This last week, the mids competed in the NSA Cyber Defense Exercise, for students from the US service academies and from the Canadian Military College
Once again, under the strong leadership of our classmate Paul Tortora, our team won the competition!
Learn more at the following links.
Paul Dabbar ’89, Class Gift Chairman
UPDATE (4/18/17): Thanks for voting! The measure passed 251-0 to authorize the spending of class funds for the 30th reunion as directed by the Class Officers, including those amounts over $1,000.
30th Reunion planning has officially kicked off! We have a newly formed reunion committee with Chris Owens as the acting chair. The committee will communicate tentative reunion plans in the next few months so you can “save the date.”
In accordance with our class bylaws, we need class authorization to spend monies in excess of $1,000. We need this authorization to pay deposits and pay our vendors. The vote details are below (and at the voting site); cast your VOTE HERE.
The vote closes at midnight PDT on April 11th.
This is a vote to authorize USNA 89 class funds to be spent for the Class of 1989 30th reunion as directed by the Class Officers, including those amounts over $1,000.
The reunion committee will present a budget to the Class Officers for approval prior to obligating any class funds. Once approved, the reunion committee will be authorized to make day to day decisions within the constraints of the latest approved budget.
Prior to the reunion, current class funds may be obligated for items to include, but not limited to: deposits, caterers, venue sites, SWAG, memorial services, photographers, DJ’s etc. These funds will come from the current balance but will eventually be paid back with reunion registration fees.
The goal is for the reunion to be financed entirely from event registration fees. It is not our intention to raise additional funds to be retained by the class fund. This approach should keep event costs as low as possible, however there is a slight risk that current class funds may be required to cover shortfalls caused by significantly lower than planned attendance. This risk is largely mitigated by careful budgeting, proactive communication, early registration, and late stage contract modifications. Additionally we have access to up to date historical reunion data provided by the Alumni Association.
All of the major reunion contracts will include a force majeure clause that may be invoked in the event that the reunion is cancelled by some major circumstances beyond our ability to control.
Please cast your vote here: VOTE HERE.
Beat Army!
Ingar Grev
The following 89ers have been selected for appointment to Flag:
Capt. Sara A. Joyner, to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Capt. Carl A. Lahti, to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Capt. Douglas G. Perry, to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Capt. Yvette M. Davids, to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Capt. Peter A. Garvin, to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Jay Bitting’s retirement. 28JUL16. 27 years of loyal and faithful service. Well Done Jay!
Pictured Below (L to R). Joe Fagan, Carl Ward, Scott Wine, Chris Owens, Craig Washington, Mike McGettigan, Jay Bitting, Jamie Gonsalves, Paul Tortora, Mike Michel, John ‘Woody’ Woodson and Jim Popielec. Not pictured, but present: Scott Pappano, Kevin Shanley
Congratulations to our newest Flag Officers
Navy Capt. Paul T. Druggan (USNA 1989) for appointment to the rank of rear admiral (lower half). Druggan is currently serving as major program manager for AEGIS Integrated Combat Systems, Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems, Washington, District of Columbia.
Navy Capt. Charles B. Cooper II for appointment to the rank of Rear Adm. (lower half). Cooper is currently serving as director, Surface Warfare Officer Distribution and Career Management Division (PERS 41), Millington, Tennessee
Navy Capt. Donald D. Gabrielson for appointment to the rear admiral (lower half). Gabrielson is currently serving as executive assistant to commander, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii.
Tom Druggan
Charles Cooper
Don Gabrielson