The proposed bylaws were approved by the Class 92-0. Click here to see the detailed results: .

The new bylaws are effective immediately. With respects to the Board composition, the Class is in the middle of selecting the 7 members through the nomination and election process, and that change will complete January 2020 when the Board takes office – 4 members for 6 year terms and 3 members for 3 year terms.

As a reminder, the process we defined earlier this year specified that the 4 winning candidates with the most votes will serve for 6 years and the next 3 winning candidates will serve 3 years. This will enable the staggered Board election process specified in the new Bylaws. In 2022, we will hold an election for those 3 Board seats, which will then be for 6 year terms. Subsequent terms for all Board Members will also be 6 years.

Click here to see the former bylaws that are no longer in effect.

Posted by Ingar Grev on August 11, 2019 by Ingar Grev


Previous Updates:

Bylaws committee: Jay Bitting, Cathy Masar, and the 89 Class Officers. Thanks to each one of them for the long, hard work they put into developing this product.

The comment period ran from April 1 to April 30, 2019. We received 16 comments – you can download the spreadsheet here with all the comments and their adjudication by the Bylaws Committee.

The finalized proposed bylaws are available for download here. Please download, review, and then please go here to vote for ratification. Your bylaws committee and class officers recommend voting “Aye” for ratification. The voting period ends 2359 EDT, July 2, 2019.

If approved, the bylaws will be installed immediately after the ratification period ends.

Go here to vote!

Posted by Ingar Grev on May 19, 2019. Updated June 3, 2019 by Ingar Grev

Bylaws Review and Approval Process:

  1. The proposed bylaws are available for download here.If you reviewed the proposed bylaws before April 22 and would like to see the changes to Article VII, you can download the red-lined version here.
  2. The initial comment period ended April 30th and our goal is to adjudicate all comments by May 31st.
  3. If appropriate, we will release an updated version of the bylaws for review and approval, with a goal of voting on and installing the new bylaws by the middle of July.
  4. If the new bylaws are approved by the end of July, our elections this year will be for 7 board seats – 4 for 6 year terms and 3 for 3 year terms. The 3 year terms will just be for this cycle to allow us to begin the alternating 3-year election cycles going forward. If the bylaws do not pass by the end of July, we will elect 5 officers for 5 year terms per our current bylaws.

Overview of the election process changes proposed in Article VII:

A number of classmates have asked questions regarding Article VII; specifically, which “offices” would be elected in which election cycles. The staggered election cycle is designed to elect classmates simply to the Board of Directors  – not to specific offices. Then – after each election – individual offices would be filled by board members through an internal board process known as reconstitution.

Why this change? Consider the following scenario:Two superstar candidates run for office A: superstar 1 receives 89 votes and superstar 2 receives 89 – 1 votes. For offices B, C, and D, no candidate receives more than 24 votes. Clearly superstar 2 is a strong pick by our classmates, but because he/she picked the “wrong” person to run against, he/she is not on the BOD. With the new process, the top vote recipients get on the BOD.

Originally posted by Ingar Grev on March 30, 2019. Updated May 4, 2019

Jay Bitting, Cathy Masar, and your class officers have devoted much time and effort into updating and modernizing our bylaws. Over the next several weeks, we expect the follow this basic process:

  1. Publication,
  2. Class review, question, and comment period,
  3. Bylaws Committee and Class Officers to respond, amend, and correct the proposed bylaws as needed,
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 as needed, and
  5. Final vote for ratification.

If/when we have good buy-in from the class, we anticipate that the final vote will be this spring.

Posted by Ingar Grev on January 13, 2019