Stay informed – Keep in Touch!

Keep in Touch!
Make sure your information is up-to-date with the Alumni Association! Click here, login, and click on “MY ACCOUNT.” Then, scroll down to “Update Your Profile” and make sure everything is correct! The easiest way for us to keep in touch with you is through e-mail, and please make sure that “Do not e-mail” is set at “No.” For career / business networking, consider checking your iSABRD (Service Academy Business Resource Directory) account while you’re at it. If you don’t have an iSABRD account, consider setting one up for a small fee ($40/year at last check); it’s a great way to network with grads from all the other federal service academies, including the Royal Military College of Canada.
RADM Tim Gallaudet ’89 Nominated to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
From Science News, dated September 1, 2017 (click to read the original article)
Gallaudet, a 32-year Navy veteran, has also served as commander of the Navy’s Meteorology and Oceanography Command. According to his White House biography:
Gallaudet has had experience in weather and ocean forecasting, hydrographic surveying, developing policy and plans to counter illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, and assessing the national security impacts of climate change. Dr. Gallaudet has led teams of Navy Sailors and civilians performing such diverse functions as overseeing aircraft carrier combat operations, planning and conducting humanitarian assistance and disaster response efforts, assisting Navy SEAL Teams during high visibility counter-terrorism operations, and developing the Navy’s annual $52 billion information technology, cyber security, and intelligence budget. Dr. Gallaudet holds a bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Academy and masters and doctoral degrees from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, all in oceanography.
Class Gift:
Thank you to all of who have participated in our 30-year class gift so far. We are doing very well in the categories of Athletics and the Annual Fund, but could use more support in our primary objective of supporting the Cyber Center. 19% of our classmates have contributed so far, and It would be great to achieve 89% participation. Please consider a gift of $89.00, either per quarter, per year, or even just a one time gift. Click here for a recent update and to get information on how to donate!
30th Reunion (October 24-27, 2019):
Remember to save the date! The reunion committee has been formed and we have locked in Homecoming for our reunion. More information about the schedule of events will be published soon!
One of the best ways to see classmates is at our class tailgater! If you are in/near USNA for any home football games, please stop in and visit! Many classmates who come to our tailgaters don’t even go to the game! Just come hang out! Volunteers and ideas are always appreciated and needed! Keep up to date with tailgater gouge by signing up for our listserver, by joining our Facebook or Linkedin group, or following us on Twitter!
By-Laws Update:
Late last year, we asked for volunteers to help us update our by-laws in an effort to check how our bylaws stack up against best practices and suggest appropriate changes. Jay Bitting and Cathy Masar took the bull by the horns and devoted a great deal of time reviewing multiple classes’ by-laws, interviewing many grads (including current and former class officers from different classes), and consulting with the Alumni Association to assemble an outstanding draft. While the process is still ongoing, the following is a rough summary of the next steps;
- Class Officers will complete their review of the draft by-laws,
- A “Final” version will be presented to the class for discussion, corrections, proposed changes,
- The class will vote on approving the new by-laws.
One big change (if approved by the class) is a change in the terms and make-up of the Class Officers. The changes would require an election soon after approval, so please start thinking of serving your class as an officer. Our class organization benefits from having new and diverse volunteers: different services, communities, geographical locations, backgrounds, gender, industries, service lengths, etc.
Class Representation at Funerals/Memorial Services:
After the recent death of our classmate John McGrew, John’s family was very grateful for the ’89 attendance at his memorial service. We determined that it would be a great idea if we can coordinate class representation (anyone from our class) at every classmate’s funeral or memorial service – for as long as it is practical.
Last Person Serving:
We have initiated a program to honor those still serving. At each reunion, the class will recognize our classmates that continue to serve in our military. When the time comes, the last remaining serving classmate (continuous active duty service) will be honored with the “Last Person Serving” designation.
NAPS Reunion:
While several NAPSTERS were in Newport to attend Captain Derric Turner’s Change of Command, we discussed a NAPS85 reunion. If you have any thoughts about this, please let us know! Whatever we do, we will ensure that it does not interfere or compete with our 5 year reunion. We’re currently thinking of two different approaches:
- Hold the NAPS reunion in Newport of a non-5 year reunion year, or
- Have the NAPS reunion on the Thursday night prior to our 5 year reunion.
The most valuable input is knowing which you prefer and the likelihood of you attending. Monica (Holland) Ropiak and Brian Caldwell will receive your comments at
Captain Derric Turner’s Change of Command:
On 23Jun2017, 6 teammates from the greatest NAPS basketball team ever, Derric’s parents, Stephanie’s parents, several other classmates, and many friends attended Derric’s CoC ceremony in Newport, RI. Derric completed his CO tour at the Center for Service and Support. Derric’s speech was insightful, meaningful, touching, and had all of the attendees rolling in laughter. We think Derric may someday have a second career as a stand-up comic. Stephanie and Derric are stationed in San Diego and are expecting their first child in early fall. Congratulations Derric –We love you!!!
Derric Turner’s Change of Command

Captain Derric Turner’s CoC
(Left to Right): Mike Ropiak (89-2),Brian Caldwell ’89, Captain Doug Noble ’89, Monica (Holland) Ropiak ’89, Jim Maxfield ’89, Chuck Bailey ’89, Stephanie Turner, Captain Derric Turner ’89, Lou Major NAPS ’85 and USMMA ’89, Dan Smalley ’89, Rich Brennan ’89, and Marie Bailey
Greatest NAPS basketball team ever

NAPS 85 Basketball Team
(Left to Right): Brian Caldwell ’89, Monica (Holland) Ropiak ’89, Captain Derric Turner ’89, Lou Major NAPS ’85 and USMMA ’89, Dan Smalley ’89, and Rich Brennan ’89
3rd Photo: Derric and Stephanie Turner relaxing after the CoC